BMW 100 Years Celebration Visit (video)

BMW celebrated 100 years of building cars in 2016, and to mark the occasion, the company virtually took over its hometown of Munich, Germany, to set up a sprawling festival which was completely open to the public.

The anchor point of the festival was the BMW Welt, a stunning building which forms the heart of the company's headquarters. The BMW Museum was an integral part of the display, not to mention the futuristic Vision Next 100 Concept, and the day was capped off by a large-scale concert and fireworks display in Munich's dramatic Olympic Park stadium.

But for's Ciro De Siena, who traveled to Munich to take part in the festivities, the highlight was a morning's wander around the meet up of the BMW Club Internationale. Over 1000 cars were present, representing BMW's rich history and in chatting with some of the owners and enthusiasts, Ciro discovered the real heart of the brand.

Follow Ciro around the BMW 100 Festival in this video and let us know which was your favourite BMW in the comments. 

1 comment

  • BMW is and will always be my favorite brand,I simply loves BMW.

    Seelin Choklingo

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